Art Girl Cover


Creative Crew

Meet Art Girl and The Creative Crew, a group of passionate and creative elementary school friends who are more excited about art than any other subject at school. Of course, they’re always expected to pay attention to all school subjects, but art is by far their favorite. Every Thursday at lunch hour, Annie, her twin brother Arthur and their friends Clayton and Julia meet in Art Club. Led by their amazing art teacher, Miss Graphy, Art Club is a chance for The Creative Crew to try their hand at all kinds of cool art projects and colourful experiments. But art club is a little more than just a club – it’s the magical inspiration that sends our creative heroes on amazing adventures that always seem to prove to be a little more than expected. Join Art Girl and The Creative Crew, on their journey, as they use artistic superpowers to foil all kinds of evil plots bent on destroying creativity both at school and in their new favourite fictional city!

Explore New Art City

Explore the map of New Art City below and click on select landmarks to learn more about some very cool and creative places.