Art Girl Cover


Gallery Guards

The Gallery Guards are a mystical collection of some of the greatest artistic minds in human history, who swore an historic oath to protect all that is colourful and creative. With Mr. Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet and Georgia O’Keeffe, The Gallery Guards help lead The Creative Crew in their fight against imminent threats to the most colourful and creative city ever. Residing in the great hall of the Central Art Gallery, The Gallery Guards themselves are holographic mentors who provide support and wisdom to The Creative Crew, in their crusade against evil villains who wish to do harm to artistic creativity. While unable to help physically, The Gallery Guards do assist The Creative Crew by helping them better understand their artistic superpowers. They also provide detailed information about threat assessments and much needed intelligence about bad guys, including where they come from and how to track them down.

Explore New Art City

Explore the map of New Art City below and click on select landmarks to learn more about some very cool and creative places.